Welcome to Dinosaurs Everywhere!

At dinosaurseverywhere.com our aim is to take the ever-growing interest in dinosaurs and other prehistoric life and encourage it even more!

As a seven-year-old watching the original Jurassic Park movie, it opened my mind to how small us humans are in comparison to these mighty creatures; and how insignificant we are when you look at the sheer timescale, not only in terms of how long ago they lived but for how long they lived and for how little time we’ve been around.

We are literally and metaphorically of little consequence when placed against the vast history of the earth.

Although many (likely the majority) of dinosaur species were small, there were so many huge dinosaur species that it’s the big ones we think of when someone says or reads the word “dinosaur.”

The very word itself, dinosaur, translates as Thunder Lizard.

And then when you add time to the equation, we are closer in time to the mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex than it is to the awe-inspiring Stegosaurus…

The dinosaurs were not even the first land organisms to rule our planet, but when they turned up, they were around for a very, very, long time!

Not wanting to weigh you down with facts and figures, this welcome page is more to let you know what I’m doing here and why you should stay and explore.

Education and Where to Find Resources

Mark Witton Blog

There is a vast amount of information on the internet, and with social media and devices everywhere, this allows institutions, professional palaeontologist (and inspired amateurs) as well as artists and creators to showcase their work, findings and theories! Not to mention engagement with fellow and budding dinosaur fans!

I listen to and read from several sources that I’ve enjoyed over the years, and these will be included on Dinosaurs Everywhere. This is from podcasts to Patreon. Some of it very specific to dinosaurs, and some generally covering dinosaurs and prehistoric life.


Dinosaur Pop Culture

A huge part of bringing dinosaurs to the general public is pop culture. Movies, TV shows, video games, they all help to put these beasts into context and showcase what it would be like to live with or experience these amazing creatures.

There is a lot of engagement with dinosaur themed TV, movies and games, whether on social media groups or podcasts. This shows not only a huge amount of interest, but fans both new and old, and potential, want to learn more and find new dinosaur-related content.

Who is Dinosaurs Everywhere For?

Dinosaurs Everywhere is for everybody!

Young, old, middle aged, toddler, teenager, I hope there is something for everyone on here. Whether your children want to learn about new species, or know where to find cool and realistic dino art, or adults want to know where to find decent books to read on dinosaurs, whether fiction or non-fiction, my hope is to pull my obsession into a nice little website to help feed other dinosaur obsessed fans!





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